Brussels is the birthplace of Elegis, a multilingual European aggregator for public and private decision makers.

Elegis, multilingual aggregator on Europe for public and private decision  makers, is born in Brussels - Eunews

Brussels: Public policy, Policy Eu, Total Eu, Eunews, Gea, L’Infografica, Afp, Agence Europe. Together, a network of European agencies will become an aggregator of news on Italian and European public affairs, serving as a bilingual platform for public and private decision-makers. The platform’s purpose is to inform not only the EU legislature itself but also those who must consider European decisions about the circumstances and experiences of one of the EU’s founding and key member states.

The initiative was introduced today, December 6, six months ahead of the European elections, in the Brussels residence of the Italian ambassador to Belgium. It was held in conjunction with the inaugural visit of the most significant Italian conference on European affairs, which was themed “New and Old Challenges for the Renewing EU.” Under the sponsorship of the European Parliament and Commission, the European Economic and Social Committee, the Conference of Regions, Unioncamere, and the Italian Initiative Group, this initiative is supported by the Article 49 Foundation and the periodicals Eunews and GEA—Green Economy Agency.

“Europe is becoming more and more integrated into the everyday lives of businesses and citizens, frequently providing guidance to local and national lawmakers.” Public and private decision makers must thus be kept up to date on the actions of the Parliament, Commission, and Council, according to Andrea Poli, president of the Art. 49 Foundation. “The goal to create a system that is both quantitatively and qualitatively relevant a few months ahead of the European elections is the driving force behind the cooperation between major newspapers from independent publishers.”

“With this alliance we are laying the foundations to create a new information platform with solid Italian roots but European and international scope and vision,” says Leopoldo Papi, editor of Public Policy and Policy Europe. In light of this, “we are happy to support the fusion of the best aspects of Italian and European journalism, including those found in Gea, Eunews, l’Infografica, Afp, Agence Europe, and Total Eu. This collaboration has the potential to establish these publications as authoritative sources of specialised institutional information for both public and private stakeholders.”The initiative was well received by Lorenzo Riccardi, the chief editor of Agence Europe, who said, “Agence Europe is overjoyed to be part of this initiative because it allows it to reactivate the Italian version of its daily bulletin, published in French and English, which has been stopped since 2010.” He expressed his gratitude to Andrea Poli, the managing editor of Withub, for giving him the chance to bring the Italian translation of our landmark publication back to Italy”.