The Cold-Sustained Cough

Cough drops are a temporary solution for a bothersome cough, so stop taking them today! You’re getting more hurt than benefit from them. After the congestion and weariness of a cold or flu pass, does your cough continue to linger for several days or even weeks? Cease immediately if you are using cough drops to…

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Everyone Benefits from Being Numb

When you hear the term “going to the dentist,” what images come to mind? Many people experience anxiety as a result. It could be a highly painful event at worst or, at best, an unpleasant one. But it doesn’t have to be, and it shouldn’t ever be, a source of fear. Everyone has a varied…

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After 40, Chronic Pain: 7 Natural Remedies

Experiencing chronic pain can be a difficult and enduring problem, particularly as we become older (over 40). Most of the time, we are unable to fully comprehend why we hurt or even identify its origin. Many people would to handle their pain naturally, even though medicine is frequently the first thing that comes to mind…

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